I feel fortunate to have found it and I did read every article on it.
Thanks for your information and the treasure hunt.
good site.
A very big and grateful thank you for sharing your experience you are good people.
Ok , I think I have found the real McCoy!!!!!
this web site is the best thing i found thanks for all your help and saving me time
Thank you for your help. Your site is amazing.
Thank you for your time and efforts. The world could use more decent people.
thanks for doing this!
Hello, I am glad I found your site as I have just recently considered the purchase of a hyperbaric chamber.
I found your webpage, because I figured that someone on the internet would be just as fed up with the companies as I.
Hello I just found your site and am in stage 1 of the buying problem.
Your info about all the companies selling look alikes and why was a big help. It really was funny to see the identical units but sometimes with different model numbers.
Oh my God, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
I am glad I found your site before purchasing. I have been really frustrated.
Greatly appreciated, I knew something was wrong with the million brands.
Very good, thanks a bunch!
Don't stop at what you're doing, there must be a lot of us out there needing your help!
You're right on. I don't like to waste money either.
I really do appreciate it, Thanks in advance for your extensive info .
I will always give you credit for showing me what to look for.
Thank you, you're my hyperbaric professor. I hope I can graduate with the right model.
Thanks again for your time...I know you probably get tired of reading that but seriously...You are doing a great thing.
I was happy to see your site
For all the garbage on the internet, it's sites like yours that provide a really useful service and it's very decent of you to share that with total strangers.
can't believe you just share the truth like this, well written
You're doing justice
You've been an enormous help, so let me know if there's anything I can do to help you.
Is there anything I can do to repay you for all your help?
You're gonna help a lot of people my friend.
great website
I feel much better knowing what to watch out for in hyperbaric chambers. You are very informative!
Ah, a good person among us.
Easy read and good information. One of a kind effort.
Thank you a million times over.
Thanks for the site. Most informative.
great site !!!!
very informative, good reading.
I have been doing homework on these hyperbaric chambers for some time now. At least 2 months and I find what you say is TRUE !
Perfect timing!! You're information is a godsend.
thank you so much for caring and taking the time you are certainly good people in my eyes
Thanks, it's gonna be hard to companies to trick me after reading your site.
excellent exactly what I was looking for
You people are wonderful. Your drive to help people and humanitarianism is unmatched. You deserve a medal.
Thankyou so much for putting up your website. You put alot of work into this!!!
very informative.
I consider you a friend, thanks for your research.
I too have quizzed, informed, & asked many of the same Q's that you have asked.
You write well, very enjoyable. Now I have to find a real quality brand.
great site. I just do not have a lot of time to waste and do not enjoy throwing my money away either.
You're a very intelligent person, I owe you for helping so much.
I read every page on your site. All good general advice.
I am getting calls at my home and there is endless information. I think they all are liars too.
I have been frustrated in my research when a company claims to be manufacturer, only to same same models under a different name.
I'm buying a Hyperbaric Chamber because of you. A real one!!!!
Great Site.
I could not agree with you more. I have been looking at material on websites and talking to different companies but they all seem the same, knock their competition and tell you they are different.
Thanks for having a reliable source of information.
First of all - THANK YOU for composing your website. I learned alot from you and your experiences.
I've been researching for a couple of weeks. Just found your website. I thought I was clear about my final judgements, but not so sure now.
I found your website very informative on the subject of hyperbaric chamber comparisons.
Very refreshing, I have though the same thing. This looks like a good resource.
If this is an unbiased website/blog that you are just out to help, then why do you pay for advertising on Search Engines?
Nice try XXXXXX!! Overwhelmed with calls? for what a fraudulent website? or does the number go to directly to sales at XXXXXXXXXXX?
We do not appreciate your blog sharing this information.
We'd like to offer you something if you work with us. We offer good commission rates.
Your articles are making customers uncomfortable. Leave the "hyperbaric therapy" talk to us. Who are you?
You're a nobody, why are you doing this?
You planning on banner advertisements?
Can you just not badmouth our brand?
You working on a referral %? How do we get involved with you? Email back.
Our dealers are upset that your site is everywhere.
You need to cool it buddy.